Laura Clapp, an NL Moore & Associates assessment team member became a Certified Enneagram Coach in February 2019. She shares how your Enneagram type may be dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. This is part 3 of 3. To read part 1, click  HERE. To read part 2, click HERE.

In the last two posts, we learned about how our Enneagram types —through the lens of the three Triads: Gut, Heart, and Head—influence our responses to the pandemic we are living through. Regardless of which Triad you fall in, exploring these groupings and their default ways of processing can improve both our own self-awareness and our ability to understand those around us during our current crisis. In this post, we will conclude this three part series by looking at the Head Triad (Types 5, 6, 7).

As the name describes, those in the Head Triad (Enneagram Types 5, 6 and 7) react and process life and decisions through their cognition. They desire to have security and safety, and their first reaction is to think. People in the Head Triad want to know the world around them is safe, and they are internally asking the question, “Where am I?” By knowing and understanding their surroundings, they feel better prepared to handle any situations they may encounter. During this pandemic (and other times of crisis), those in the Head Triad will be the people who are working to keep themselves and everyone around them safe from the virus and from the impacts of the social and economic challenges we are facing. The emotional struggle of the Head Triad is anxiety or fear, which may manifest itself differently in each type as people in this Triad seek to gain security for themselves and those around them.

Type 5 – The Investigator

Type 5s have a deep desire to be competent and capable. This leads them to dig deeply into knowledge and learning. They will be researching everything they can to understand the details of Covid-19 and how to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. This could lead to being bogged down by statistics and all the varying viewpoints that are being presented, which then causes them to withdraw or isolate out of fear of depletion.

Social Distancing sounds like a dream to many 5s. They often need regular time alone to recharge, but unless they live alone, they may find being at home 24/7 with other family members to be overwhelming and depleting. Fives often feel like they never have enough knowledge, so no matter how much they study, there is always more to know, and that fact may create ongoing fear and anxiety.

Type 5s are able to assimilate all the information they gather and offer it to others in a concise, understandable way. They are incredibly analytical, detail-oriented, and great at planning and logistics. In the church setting, 5s could be helpful in developing protocols for safety and establishing procedures for moving beyond isolation into the next phase of re-opening.

As a 5, ask the Holy Spirit to be the source of your energy and strength. While retreating to recharge is necessary for 5s, isolating completely is not healthy. Press into the community God has placed in your life, and see the beauty in opportunities you have to give and receive from others. If you are in relationship with a 5, be aware of their limited energy and resources. Don’t be offended by their need for time alone. Especially during this season of crisis, try to minimize surprises or obligations, and understand 5s need to plan and ration out their energy and resources.

Type 6 –The Loyalist

Type 6s are always scanning their environments for “worst-case scenarios,” considering all that might happen. Safety is their first priority. Their thinking takes the form of an inner committee—a series of thoughts in their minds relating the possibilities of what could happen. The result is an inner struggle of self-doubt. Their fear and anxiety can paralyze them from making any decision because they are so focused on making the “right” decision that will keep everyone safe.

Sixes will approach the pandemic in one of two ways. On one hand, many sixes are prepared to meet the challenge of this unique time. It has brought focus and intensity to their days. They have stockpiled resources (food, masks, hand sanitizer, household supplies, etc.), they are hunkered down in their homes, and they feel confident in the work they have done to prepare for a time like this. They have been planning their whole lives for this kind of moment. They will be great at problem solving, considering all angles as decisions need to be made. On the other hand, some 6s are debilitated by their anxiety. The pandemic has caused them to feel like their worst fears are being realized, and it challenges their desire for security. The world does not feel safe, and there is no known end in sight.

As a 6, ask the Lord to calm your fear and anxiety and to take control of the inner committee creating chaos and self-doubt in your mind. Use the practices of silence and solitude to calm your constant thoughts and bring clarity to your mind. If you are in a relationship with a 6, don’t dismiss or minimize their fears. Listen patiently to their concerns and support them in ways that help them see they are not alone. They are very loyal people and will deeply value your loyalty to them.

Type 7 – The Enthusiast

Type 7s want to think happy thoughts and focus on the positive. As a result, they are very optimistic people. They do not want to deal with internal sadness or pain, so they go outward, seeking new adventures and experiences in an attempt to avoid negative emotions. They spend a lot of time thinking about what is next. Their creative minds think about how they can seek fun and excitement. As a result, 7s often experience FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because they want to do ALL the things and have ALL the fun. Because they are trying to avoid the emotional struggle of fear and anxiety, 7s often only experience a half-range of emotions.

Being stuck at home can be very challenging for 7s. They fear being restricted and isolated. This time of isolation, where they are cut off from their many relationships and opportunities for fun and adventure, can bring about the very fear and anxiety they are trying to avoid.

After the initial struggle of adjusting to quarantine, however, healthy 7s will find unique ways to engage life in isolation. They may be scheduling Zoom parties with their friends, planning drive-by surprises for those they love, trying new recipes, or creating virtual game nights with their extended families. Once they realize they are not missing out on fun that others are having, they will invent their own fun experiences for themselves and others to enjoy.

As a 7, ask God to show you all He has provided in your life. Practicing gratitude will bring the satisfaction you are longing for rather than needing to be filled by experiences. If you are in relationship with a 7, be willing to engage them in fun activities. They may be feeling overwhelmed by all of the sadness and pain they are seeing in the world. Encourage them and give them the opportunity to be creative and optimistic.

This global pandemic is challenging us in ways that are new and different, and we have all had to adjust. Knowing your Enneagram Type and Triad will give you clues and strategies for becoming the healthiest version of who you were created to be. If you would like more information about how NL Moore can help your team navigate this and other times of transition, please do not hesitate to reach out