Senior Pastor Opportunity at Victory Lutheran Church

This is an exciting time in the life of Victory Lutheran Church ( as they seek to call a new Senior Pastor. After 24 years of faithful leadership, Pastor Larry Kassebaum retired in April 2021. His succession creates an exceptional and rare opportunity for a dynamic and seasoned pastor to join a large, healthy, and vibrant congregation
to love, lead, and inspire as they write the next chapter of the Victory story.

Victory is a thriving congregation of retirees ripe with potential. Ninety-six percent of attendees are 55 or older, and the church is well known to be friendly, active, and outwardly focused. Relationships are strong and many of those who attend during the winter months consider Victory their primary church home. This faith community has adapted to the realities of the past year in extraordinary ways. They implemented technology upgrades and expanded their digital footprint with excellence. Bible-based teaching that is communicated with creativity and humor connects with this congregation, so the ability to articulate a biblical message that is meaningful and memorable is vital for the next Senior Pastor.

Victory would like to call a strong, confident pastoral leader with mature faith and clear theological convictions that align with LCMC. A seasoned preacher, this pastor will be a gifted and skillful communicator of God’s Word, teaching biblical truth that is relatable and memorable, using relevant stories to help illustrate and bring home the point. The ideal candidate will possess some business sensibility and an ability to fundraise that will help Victory continue to support its mission, budget effectively, and practice wise stewardship of finances and resources.

Located in the East Valley of Phoenix, AZ, Mesa is home to 500,000 residents, including many retirees and snowbirds from across the Midwest and Canada who spend their winters in its beautiful climate. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the Sonoran desert, Mesa boasts an assortment of lifestyle and leisure pursuits for all those who make this their home.

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please click HERE, or contact Jill Tullis at“>

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