NL Moore & Associates
Since 2006, NL Moore & Associates has served local churches across the country as the premier provider of an evidence-based approach to leadership transitions.
Our experience, team, process, and dedication to the Church have earned us a reputation as a company who “gets it.”

Our Story
Our founder, Nancy Moore, came to faith as a 19-year-old college student through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Soon after, she got plugged into a local church where she found community, discipleship and development. As her faith matured, she understood three things: she had a gift of leadership, a call to ministry and a deep love for the local church.
After serving in ministry for nearly 20 years, Nancy launched NL Moore & Associates in 2006 with a passion to help local churches take the guesswork out of their most important leadership decisions…

Our Unique Approach
NL Moore & Associates has a proprietary evidence-based way of understanding churches and pastors. Rather than “tell” you who you are and what you need, we objectively listen and learn from you: your priorities, values and distinctions. We then tailor our consulting to your uniqueness. In search and succession, this means we are able to bring exceptional candidates to the table that not only know how to do the job, but will do it in a way that resonates with your people. The result of our unique approach is healthier churches and more engaged pastors who are well-positioned with their best days in front of them.