Every member of the NL Moore team comes from a background of vocational ministry. With more than 150 combined years in ministry and 15 years of church consulting experience, our team brings an unparalleled depth of understanding and experience to the churches we serve.

Each of our team members specializes in a different area, and we want to give you a little peek into the work of one of our Search + Assessment Associates, Jill Tullis!

1. Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your vocational background?

I earned a degree in Communications from the University of Tennessee in 2010. After graduation, I spent time working as a communications liaison for a transportation management company but knew that, once we had children, I would need a way to use my skills in a more flexible setting. God led me to an incredible faith-based company where I could work remotely by providing administrative support and executive assistance to pastors across the country. After serving in that capacity for a number of years, I began to feel a stirring toward a career path that would allow me to be part of Kingdom work in a different way. NL Moore & Associates has more than answered that prayer, and it’s such a gift to be part of this team.

2. What is your role at NL Moore & Associates and what does it entail? 

I am primarily a Search Associate, but I’m also part of the Assessment Team. I partner with the Lead Consultant on projects and serve as the first point of contact for potential candidates.

As a Search Associate, I work directly with the Lead Consultant and reach out to those who are both new contacts and already within my network to share the opportunity. I conduct initial interviews and follow up on referrals as we work to build a pool of qualified candidates. As we develop the pool, I conduct reference calls and help finalize presentation materials for candidates.

Being part of the Assessment Team has been so helpful for my work as a Search Associate because it’s given me another layer of context and skill as I interview potential candidates.

3. What does your process look like? 

I really enjoy being able to use my unique background and perspective to put my own spin on the way I communicate and interview. As someone who grew up in a ministry family and is married to a pastor now, I have a deep understanding of what it’s like for a pastor to go through a transition, and my hope is that my empathy can be felt by those with whom I interact.

4. What’s the most rewarding part of your role?

I love getting to hear stories of how God has transformed the lives of those who are serving in the local church. The call to pastor is not an easy career path, but the men and women who have answered that call and are choosing to step into the hard places are truly an inspiration. While there are no perfect churches, God has chosen to use them as vehicles to bring his Kingdom to earth. Getting to serve the bride of Christ in this capacity is an honor.

5. Anything else we should know? 

I live in East Tennessee, close to the beautiful Great Smoky Mountains. My husband and I have three daughters: Emerson, Piper, and Kinsley, plus two dogs, Macy and Millie — it’s safe to say that he is heavily outnumbered at our house! Workouts with friends, game nights with my family, and day trips to Dollywood are some of the things that bring me the most joy.

If you’d like to learn more about NL Moore & Associates’ church consulting work, please reach out to us here.