By Nancy Moore
President, NL Moore & Associates

Pivot. It is a word every pastor has become acquainted with over the last year and a half. Moving from in-person meetings to online—and in some parts of the country, back to online. Indoors or outdoors. Masks or no masks. Changing the ways that care is provided to the congregation. Realigning staff roles and responsibilities. Upgrading technology. Collaboration. Planning. The ways that pastors and churches have had to pivot seem to go on and on.

Some pastors are thinking about another pivot point as well: the timeline for their succession or retirement. Those who had been thinking they might have another five years in them are now wondering if they have the energy to continue beyond the next one or two. You’re not alone. Certainly, no one could have anticipated the toll the pandemic would take on pastors and ministry staff, but here we are. If you are contemplating moving up your succession timeline, we are here to help you pivot toward a positive succession and legacy.

More than 15 years ago my mentor and friend, Russ Crabtree, co-authored a book called The Elephant in the Boardroom that brought the topic of pastor succession to the forefront of church board conversations. Using the evidence-based methodology he pioneered, NL Moore & Associates has more than a decade of experience working with pastors and church leaders to plan and execute a healthy, stabilizing, and unifying pastor succession plan and process.

Our evidence-based approach empowers you to stop guessing or wondering about the right plan. It provides evidence that comes from you, your fellow leaders, and your congregation about how to get it right. Building on that evidence, we work with you to develop a custom and tailored succession plan that fits your congregation. Best of all, it works. Every time.

Planned or unplanned, every pastor will face transition at some point. That is why advanced planning is so important.   There is a way to intentionally pivot toward this season with confidence, purpose, and hope. If you are thinking about moving up your succession timeline and would like to open a confidential conversation to learn more about the ways we can help you, please reach out. We are happy to have a conversation with no cost or obligation.

NL Moore & Associates offers a full range of succession planning services. Please reach out if we can help your church plan for the successful transition of your pastor.