Nancy Moore and Ann Paulson recently had the pleasure of attending the Fellowship of
Evangelical Churches’ (FEC) ( annual conference in Denver, CO where Nancy was a featured speaker along with Scott Ridout, president of Converge, Larry Osborne, author and Teaching Pastor at North Coast Church in Vista, CA and Nirup Alphonse, Lead Pastor at LIFEGATE Church, Denver, CO.
We resonate with the FEC’s commitment to pursuing healthy churches and healthy pastors. A huge shout out to FEC president Rocky Rocholl, and Nate Hamblin and Eric Hall and the entire FEC team for a great conference, and to LIFEGATE Church for knocking it out of the park as hosts!
#FEC #NLMoore&Assoicates, #RockyRocholl #NateHamblin #LIFEGATECHURCH #ScottRidout #Converge #LarryOsborne