It was an honor to work with Journey Church ( in Bozeman, MT as they filled their need for a Next Gen Pastor. We extend a hearty congratulations to Logan Holloman and his wife, Cayla, as Logan steps into the role to oversee all ministries cradle to college, with direct oversight and responsibility for middle and high school ministries. Logan is an experienced, energized, and relational pastor who will bring a renewed vision and help write the next chapter in the Journey story.

“We are so excited to welcome Logan and Cayla to our team. We could not have imagined a fit to our church this great existed out there. Thank you for the hard work of the NL Moore & Associates team on this and for making our first hiring process with a search/consulting organization so positive. I appreciate your friendship and commitment to building the Kingdom by building teams of great synergy.”

Your friend and fan,
Bob Schwahn, Lead Pastor

We pray God’s blessings for Logan, Cayla, and Journey Church. If you’d like to learn more about the ways NL Moore & Associates helps build exceptional leadership teams, please reach out to us here.