Your church is changing. While the lingering ripples of the pandemic may still be felt, people have returned to your church. But they are different people. Since the pandemic, we have noted an interesting trend emerging in the data of the churches we’ve surveyed with our church health assessment.

In the demographic data of roughly a quarter of the churches we have assessed in the last two years, between 30%-50% of participants responded they began attending the church within the last four years. Yep, you read that right…30%-50% percent. Another third of the churches who took the congregational health assessment with us realized between 10%-30% of their respondents started attending their church in the last four years.

Why is this significant? Because our strategies for communication, engagement, and disciple-making must change to meet the needs of the people who are gathered. Ministry leaders easily fall into the habit of doing what they do because that is the way they have always done it. And, it is easy for those of us who have been in the church a long time to forget what it feels like to be new. New people represent new potential to develop and deploy for the Kingdom. Recognizing the changes in your congregation creates the needed motivation to recommunicate your vision, values, and pathways for discipleship in fresh ways that can recapture the attention of all your people.

What about your church? Understanding your congregation is the key to leading them into the future God intends.

We invite you to embark on a journey of greater understanding into your congregation with a Church Health Assessment. Through August 2024, NL Moore & Associates is offering a significant price discount on a church health assessment to help church leaders like you gain the insights you need to guide your church toward health and greater kingdom impact. It is easy, affordable, and accurate.

Contact for more information or to schedule a free consultation.