With more than 150 combined years in ministry and 15 years of church consulting experience, the NL Moore team brings an exceptional and unique depth of understanding and experience to the churches and organizations it serves.

Each of our team members specializes in a different area, and we want to give you a little peek into the work of one of our Search Associates, Megs Kubiszewski!

1. Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your vocational background?
I’ve been in ministry for about 13 years; I got my first taste of it working at a summer Bible camp in college. Not long after, I joined the staff at Eagle Brook Church in Minnesota, working for 3.5 years with the global partners and missions trips sent from the church. My love for working with teenagers hadn’t gone away, so I spent the next five years as a Student Pastor at one of the campuses working with middle school and high school students, and the best volunteers around! As I left that role, I was presented with the opportunity to join the team at NL Moore & Associates, and it felt like the perfect fit! I got married last year a month before the crazy pandemic world hit us all. I live with my husband and 5-year-old stepson in Colorado, and we’re expecting kiddo #2 in the fall!

2. What is your role at NL Moore & Associates, and what does it entail?
I am a Search Associate. I get to partner with consultants on searches, often as the first person interacting with potential candidates and those we network with. I love getting to hear peoples’ stories of how God brought them to where they currently are at, what they’re up to in ministry currently, and what they’re feeling called to. The best bonus comes when we get to match them up to a church that is searching for its next leader!

3. What does your process look like? Is there anything special or unique about the way you go about conducting a search?
After years in ministry and now a few years doing this, I’ve built up a lot of connections to great pastors and leaders around the country, so I will often reach out to my personal connections first to share things. From there, it’s off to the races reaching out to new people. As an extrovert, meeting new leaders is the highlight of my week! We never know who may know the right person, so every chance I get to share about a role is one more step in the right direction of finding the best candidates.

4. What’s the most rewarding part of your role?
Hearing follow up from candidates and client churches after a search is complete, where they share the success of the process and how excited they are. It is so rewarding knowing all the time and hard work of a search brought the right leader to the right place at the right time.

5. Anything else we should know about you or your function on the NL Moore team?
I love travel of any kind, which is actually how I met Nancy Moore: on a missions trip to Norway in 2014!