Many working parents are faced not only with the challenge of working from home, but of also taking on the role of teacher to their children. Adjusting to this temporary reality can feel overwhelming.

NL Moore & Associates Assessment Director, Abby Knowles, is with those of you who find yourself in this situation. Balancing work and “teaching,” with the regular rhythms of home life under the umbrella of COVID-19 can feel daunting. But it is also an opportunity. 

Kids are like sponges, soaking in what they see and what we model for them. This morning, Abby came downstairs to see that her daughter had copied this verse and taped it up in front of her home “school desk” as a reminder of what is true.

God is good, and He uses every circumstance-both good and challenging-to draw people to himself. As followers of Jesus, we have the opportunity to remind people, and model for our children, that God is near. Jesus is Emmanuel: “God is with us.” During these trying times, let’s not forget that.

Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go. Joshua 1:9.