Congratulations to the EFCA Texas-Oklahoma District on the nomination of Dr. Brent Burckart to serve as their next District Superintendent. NL Moore & Associates had the honor to work with the Texas-Oklahoma District Board during their search for a new Superintendent. The succession of a long-tenured and effective leader is never easy, but current Superintendent Bob Rowley has been an enthusiastic supporter of a great process that yielded a great result. Brent’s desire to come alongside pastors and churches to encourage and equip them to remain spiritually vibrant, biblically sound, and missionally focused in these challenging times will be a great strength to the EFCA churches served in the Texas-Oklahoma District.

Brent received a Bachelor of Arts from Maranatha Baptist University (1990) and a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary (1996). He recently completed his Doctor of Ministry with an emphasis in church health, multiplication, and leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary (2020), writing his dissertation on the subject of “Overcoming Obstacles to Churches Planting Churches.”

NL Moore & Associates wishes Brent, his family, and the Texas-Oklahoma District all the best for a bright future. Exciting days are ahead.